A coder's blog.

Ideas, projects, problems and solutions - whatever is interesting.

Little Goblin: Development Resumed

After some time off, I have resumed development of Little Goblin, the browser game framework.

Currently I am re-familiarizing myself with the code and doing minor refactoring as well as updating the documentation. The next major tasks will be:

  • Replace the current method of managing game ticks cronGoblin is a script which calls the LG API from outside to move the game state forward - this will be replaced by an internal actor service.
  • Facebook login integration This makes it easier to log in for normal users. While I dislike using my credentials from one service to log in to another, the reality is that many people (players) do not seem to share this sentiment. “the worm has to be tasty for the fish, not the angler” (de: Der Wurm muß dem Fisch schmecken, nicht dem Angler)
  • Release as a Grails plugin.
  • Cleanup and improve documentation
  • Add automates tests Currently, Little Goblin contains no proper testing code, which is acceptable but not recommended for a simple hobby project - but which simply won’t do for a proper Grails plugin. So, the issue of writing both unit and integration tests grows ever more urgent. At least the plugin is capable of automatically creating the reference implementation of a simple game, which allows automated tests to run against a configured and production-ready system.